Wednesday, February 29, 2012

TASK 6 (is not really addressed in this article)

Research the author: I have already published the basic information about Eugene Ionesco and I believe it's enough. I don't see the point in rewriting encyclopedias or copying boring information from Wikipedia. Nobody will ever remember these facts, anyway. I am more interested in finding out what kind of person Ionesco was and what his personality was like. Therefore, I found and watched an interview with him on YouTube (see the link below).

Discuss any relevant information about the author and what his or her motivations behind writing this piece were or might have been. Support. Well, this topic is addressed in the article 'It's happening now!'. 
 What interests me now is Ionesco's motivation for writing in general. Why did he write those drama plays? Why did he make them so absurd? This video probably gives us the answer. It starts to be quite thoughtful from 1:57, when he describes his first inspirations. Then he continues to explain what life means to him. Having read two of his plays, I can say that his philosophy of life that he presents in here is very apparent in his works.


  1. I like the way you address the tasks.

  2. Very nice, this is blogging! You have a completely natural style =)
